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Meet the Graduate | Kayode | ITB Calgary

When I moved to Canada in 2019, I was optimistic. I wasted no time reworking my resume to apply for the same IT positions that I worked in back home.

In my first few months living in Calgary, I sent out dozens of job applications and only received two interview invites, both of which I failed miserably. I still could not figure out what I was doing wrong. I knew that the market and its demands were different here. Worse, the pandemic had started, and companies were closing, which meant opportunities were fewer.

I found out about the Information & Technology Bridging Program in early 2021 and quickly applied. In this program, I learned to collaborate, use my strengths, and gained valuable interview skills.

The SAIT portion gave me much-needed tools to enhance my employment profile. The program coordinators were present and fully committed to supporting us throughout. I secured an internship with a leading company in Calgary and, I was able to leverage all I had learned.

I have never been more employable & more confident in the value that I bring to employers. This program is to thank for that.

To learn more about the ITB program, connect with: Mehrzad Eftekhar, PMP | 403.290.5425 |

Program website:


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